![]() Created 04/27/2014
Daily Kos AlterNet Blue Sky |
"Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped." Being a conservative usually has some criminality as a defining characteristic. Don't confuse group think with reality. The Republicans are legislating that medical knowledge should obey the law of the elected politicians. The only person Trump ever hired who was actually qualified to do their job was Stormy Daniels. I would have been happy to send my condolences after the United Health Care CEO was killed this afternoon, however unfortunately sympathy requires a prior authorization before he was shot and therefore I have to deny that request. Posted 11/08/2024 Governor elect Mike Kehoe, of Missouri, just a few days after the election already has two strikes against him. The first was when he said in his acceptance speech that he wanted to protect Innocent life. He was not talking about women. He also said he would do everything he could to rescind Measure 3, that passed by a wide margin, allowing life saving abortion in Missouri. The second problem was when he wanted a convicted murderer released, so he could go home. Why? Because he was a family friend of Mike and his wife. Eric DeValkenaere, was a police detective who fatally shot an unarmed man, Cameron Lamb, who had done nothing wrong, was in his own back yard, whose only crime apparently was being black. Mike Kehoe, a few days after the election, with two strikes against him already, has proven he is a real piece of work. To me it looks as if Kehoe is planning to make Missouri his own little fiefdom. The will of the people be dammed. I hope the people of Missouri see who and what Mike Kehoe is and rise up and recall him. He is not qualified to hold any public office.
Posted 08/16/2024 ![]() 1. In the United States, the political middle is wrongly seen as between the Democrats and the Republicans. Most elected Democrats, especially at the federal level, are to the right of center. They are corporate Democrats. 2. What is lost on most of us is that the real political middle is far to the left of where the United States has seldom been. 3. Slavery, women can't vote, women's place is in the home. Abortion/birth control denied. Permission from husband, or father, or even brother, for written permission to have bank accounts/loans/credit cards. In other words females are seen as less than human, chattel to be controlled. They did not get the vote until 50 years after the freed slaves were allowed to vote. Why? 4. Health care, "Your Money or Your Life". No money? Die and get out of the way for someone with money, till they also have no money and die. Oh, speaking of health, why do zygotes have more rights than the woman they are inside of? 5. Corporations as persons, with ever increasing profits as a normal goal. Flip-flopping between personhood/business, whichever has the most advantage at the moment. 6. "Bothsidesism" to bury any real policies that help the people, in political noise.
Why is this? Is it because the self proclaimed authorities, of "My Way, or The Highway" of the unelected, ruling elete that have bought our government? Is it because the liberals are too much "Live and Let Live"?
Posted 08/01/2024 ![]()
When god was working in another galaxy, building a new solar system, or whatever he was doing, he noticed two primates, on a wet rock in another galaxy, in a room alone together, having too much fun, out of over eight billion other similar primates on this rock, and he became irate.
Posted 05/28/2024 If you were arrested for being a Christian, would they have enough evidence to convict you? Well, that depends on how much of a hypocrite you are now, doesn't it?
Posted 01/07/2024 ![]()
How many medically competent legislators are there in any state government? In actual fact very few. So what are these self appointed quacks doing making medical decisions, over riding medical doctors who's job it is to know about women and pregnancies and what to do when something goes wrong? It has become quite clear abortion is a needed medical procedure and is proper health care for many women. We need some lawsuits against these states that are practicing medicine without a license and thereby killing women and threatening to imprisoning medical doctors for doing their licensed jobs. Posted 07/13/2023 Unless you are a WASP, "White Anglo Saxon, protestant", with too much money, you are in one or more of the despised groups that are the problem and must be controlled and kept down for your own good. Women, Too much skin color, Sexual orinatation, Jews, Muslim, Religion not conservative enough, Vote wrong, Speak funny, Dress funny, Wrong ancestors, Inter city public school education, Or just a public school education, Live in the wrong area of town, and the list goes on and on and on... Any excuse to be dumped on by our self appointed betters. The french had a solution that seemed to have work quite well. We would have done better in the long run, by not importing the left over Nazis after WWII and properly dealing with their domestic supporters. Ford, Rockefeller, Bush... Posted 03/27/2023 ![]()
Members of the NRA can't claim to be pro-life, it does not compute. We are going to run out of kids before we run out of guns. Then what will the gun fetishers use for target practice? It is ridiculous to allow weapons of war on our streets.
Posted 04/20/2023 I've gots an idea... Anybody ever thought of regulating who is allowed to have, and who should not be allowed to be having any firearms? You know like drivers license and insurance and such? That seem to work fairly well. Local government gets money, in the form of fees, to cover the costs. So why not with licensing firearms whose basic purpose is to maim and kill? We need to stop shooting kids ringing the wrong door bell and women turning around in your driveway. Or even shooting kids retrieving a wayward basketball. Posted 02/16/2023 ![]() Mass shootings are normal in America. It is the GUNS. We do not need weapons designed for war in the hands of anyone who thinks they need one for survival. We should not be at war with each other. Yet we are. The mentally defective, paranoid gun humpers, against the over 70% of the population and our children, that are trying to live our lives in a sane and civilized manner, without being shot down in cold blood, because someone, usually with an AR-15 style firearm, decides they have a self determined, 2nd Amendment Right to do so. The 2nd Amendment was never meant by our Founding Fathers as an absolute Right. Also what about the seldom mentioned 'Militia" in the first part of the 2nd Amendment?
None of the gun humpers belong to a properly regulated Militia. A group of gun humping friends, in military garb, meeting in the woods does not count as a militia. The 2nd Amendment has NOTHING to do with enforcing the 1st Amendment either.
Ban the AR-15 style rifles! They have no place in the hands of civilians in public! Posted 01/05/2023 You want to own a firearm? Then have at least $100,000 mandatory insurance, for each firearm you own. Own dozens, tough. $100,000 Insurance for EACH FIREARM! No insurance? Lose the firearm and risk jail and fines for each uninsured firearm. Possibility of losing the so-called "Right" to possess any firearms for the rest of your life.
.22 caliber, single shot, bolt action rifle, low premium. AR-15 style rifles expensive. Semi-auto pistols, slightly lower premium.
No transfer of firearms without going through a licensed firearm dealer. Must be 21 to purchase, sell, or own any firearm. Firearms are more dangerous than alcohol.
Posted 01/05/2023 Finally the true incompetence of the Republicans are front and center in the public spotlight. They can't even decide on who they want for Speaker of the House. Without a Speaker, the House of Representatives cannot function. They cannot even swear in the new members! This should have been sorted some time between the election and when the Republicans took control (haha) of the House. The Republicans are so disorganized, this could turn into a national security issue. Whatever happened to the conservatives acting in unison, like a school of fish? The leaders telling the rank & file what to think. Imagine your glasses functioning as pair of kaleidoscopes. You would see the world just like a typical wing-nut MAGA. That is how distorted reality is for the Right Wing-nutz and how they see the world. This is for all the world, a mental health issue. We need to recognize this as such. We are now paying the price for letting it get this far. It's like watching 20 immature children throwing a temper tantrum because they don't want the majority of the better behaved kids to have the chocolate ice cream. The biggest problem with the current crop of Republicans as a whole, is they have lost the script where government is supposed to be responsive to the people with obligations to protect the health, safety, welfare and morals of its citizens. The preamble to the Constitution starts with "We the people..." Republicans are in it for themselves and their rich donors and not the priorities of the voters. Posted 09/13/2022 Genesis Chapter 4: AR 15. "Go ye with your gun into the land of Nod, east of Eden. Be fruitful and multiply your guns, as you worship unto them as you would unto me. When your guns begat yet more guns and over flow the land bringing much sadness, come cryeth ye not back to me, 'Why have you forsaken us, Lord, we with our guns, are not we your chosen people?' For I will say unto you, 'Why dost thou think I kicked thee from Eden in the first place?'" source Posted 08/21/2022
Trumpsters are politically Far-Right. They are not centralist, or moderates. They are extremists. They are so conservative, their Black/White thinking hobbles their learning process and corrupts their world view. They can't see those gray areas the rest of us can, gray areas that always exists between the various political views. Trumpsters have trouble seeing differences in various scenarios and their nuisances.
Trumpsters can't seem to comprehend that 'socialist' and 'communist' are opposites politically. They regularly redefine words to suit the occasion*. Socialist/communist, for instance. Communist which in reality, are on the political Right, are 'bad', well because they are communist. Those of us on the actual political center and left, see socialism as generally good and necessary. The Right sees communism and socialism as similar, or even the same. Why is communism bad? Because RUSSIA!!1! used to be communist, when they were the USSR. Some still think Russia is communist.
Or take the different stages of a pregnancy. Every stage for the pro-birth people is 'baby'. From the fertilized egg, to the zygote, to the fetus, are all the same as a born baby is to them. The woman is only an incubator, a broodmare, with little to no say, regardless of how she gets pregnant. Somehow it is always the woman's fault she is pregnant, never mind the rape. What I don't get are the conservative women, or any woman for that matter, that supports this male dominant, anti-woman, no choice, of being subject to medically ignorant men, that have never seen you and knows nothing about you, have no idea of your circumstances, whose views are based on their religion, and ignoring the medical experts, that work in the maternity wards.
Conservatives say they are Pro-life, but they are not, they are pro-birth. Their caring for the 'baby' stops at the birth, when the fetus becomes a baby. They are against most help for both the baby and the mother.
If Trumpsters think something is so, to them it is so, regardless of reality, provable facts, reliable sources, authenticated records, etc. They lack self awareness required for critical thinking.
* I got docked with a 'personal attack' from a conservative poster, on a political web site, when the conservative poster was redefining common words to fit his conservative viewpoint. Because I told him that weren't what the words actually meant and that he needed to get a dictionary. I was even nice about it.
# Me. Response from Trumpster:
"Socialism is old world styled dictatorial pagan-barbarian war slaver feudal monarchy where the individual citizen no longer has any legal capability. Experimentation that kills children is dictated legal along with placing contagious people in nursing homes RFK children's defense is no longer free speech.. The large corporation monarchy creates products that make pollution but then the individual citizen takes all blame for the pollution via far out climate change ideas with the feudal peonage having no legal capability to find that they had nothing to do with the creation or sales of the pollution, etc.
Posted 06/09/2022
I blame us.
Posted 05/31/2022 Men should have less say in a woman's pregnancy, than the woman.
It is the woman, possibly putting her life on the line. It is the woman carrying the fetus and going through the pain of child birth. And it is the woman that is most likely to have to raise the baby after it is born, too often alone. Assuming a reasonable normal pregnancy. We need to also keep in mind, through most of the history of the human race, the woman has seldom been equal to the men around her. She is too often seen as a servant, slave, kept isolated from society, brood mare, not capable of making her own decisions, etc. It is well past time that thinking stops. Both men and women are of the same species and should have all the same legal Rights. Accounting for the biological differences between female and male, of course. Women are as fully capable of living their live as she see fit, as men are. It is high time we let this happen. Women are sexual creatures, just as are we men are. We need to stop saddling women with unwanted children for giving in to their own sex drives, or having to be submissive to a man for wanting to satisfy his.
Posted 04/29/2022
States are gearing up to go full bore, here in the United States. They are controlled by Republicans, Right-wing conservatives.
This is the start of a very slippery slope, that gets slipperier the farther it goes down. Posted 09/30/2021
Basically we are being told through our media, how we are suppose to view other countries. Posted 08/02/2021
Apparently people are still thinking there is still somehow an actual difference between the two Political parties.
Posted 07/25/2021 Wearing masks labels you paranoid, wimpish, less macho.
Someone to be ridiculed. A large part of that, we can thank Trump for. Me? After much reading, I got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, with no side effects. No sore arm, no feeling lousy for a few days. DNA vaccines are proven to work. mRNA vaccines have never been tested on humans on such a large scale. Also the body reacts against the mRNA vaccine itself. That is why they want you to wait 30 minutes after getting the shot.
The Moderna mRNA has 3 time the active dose that the Pfizer vaccine has, with no increase of protection.
Another problem is we are being lied to about everything. The COVID pandemic is no exception. So be careful about what you read. Do you just read whatever supports your mind set? Keep in mind the source. Forbes, say, or a reliable, main stream medical sources? If you read enough, after a while a pattern begins to emerge. Capitalists sources want to get back to "normal", down play the threat. Main stream medical sources, even with hard to wade through medical jargon are better. But even then you have to be skeptical, as there are fake medical web sites pushing their agenda, praising how wonderful Pfizer is, with Moderna bringing a supporting backup. The J&J vaccine is often not even mentioned. 01/18/2021 Nothing says "Freedom" like razor wire on top of the fence around the Nation's Capitol. ![]() Which is more powerful? These armed and armored gentlemen? ![]() Or This unarmed and exposed, naked woman? This unarmed, naked women caused the armed, armored police to leave. The reason? Apparently it would have been bad optics to club her to the ground and pepper spray her, like they do normal protesters.
Like they did to this retired Naval Officer, who just wanted to talk to them. They broke his hand, but he was still able to flip them off, as he walked away. Posted 07/14/2020
About this COVID-19 - Just wait till this fall, when it cools off and schools start, or try to. We ain't seen nothing yet.
If more people understand how masks work, more people would be wearing them. Posted 12/15/2019
When will women be allowed to make their own health care decisions? We have too many ignorant people, mostly men without any medical training what so ever, invading the lives of, and overriding the wishes of women in general and their doctors, as if they, women, are somehow too incompetent to make their own medical decisions. Posted 08/25/2019
The biggest problem in this country is that too many people ignore politics, because it's "not important" and/or it "doesn't affect them". Posted 06/02/2019
They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.
Feels entitled to certain things as "their right."
Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests. The rest: https://www.mcafee.cc/Bin/sb.html Posted 05/17/2019 Where is a Equal Rights Amendment when you need one? ![]() Where is their respect for women and their autonomy, in the abortion debate? Not much respect for women is involved on the anti-abortion side. That side focuses on a clump of cells, cells acting with all the characteristics of a parasite in the woman, as being more important than the usually grown, autonomous woman, that these cells are growing inside of. Any pregnancy problems be damned. Posted 05/16/2019 "Two words; Body Autonomy. It's generally considered a human right. Body autonomy means each person has control over whom or what uses their body, for what, and for how long. It's why you can't be forced to donate blood, tissue, or organs; even if you're dead. Even if donating that blood, or those tissues, or organs would save or improve the lives of 20 people. It is also why someone can't touch you, have sex with you, or use your body in any way without your continuous consent. It is a basic principle in law. Simply put, a fetus is using someone's body parts. Therefore, under body autonomy, it is there by permission, not right. It needs a person's continuous consent to be and remain there. If the person carrying the fetus denies or withdraws consent, that person has a right to have the fetus removed at that moment. Bodily autonomy says if someone needs another person's body part to live, they can legally be denied their use. By saying a fetus has a right to someone else's body parts, without that person's permission until it is born, you're doing two things. 1. Granting a fetus more rights to other people's bodies than any born person. 2. Awarding a pregnant person less rights to their body than a corpse. Forcing a pregnancy to term against the will of a woman is the moral and legal equivalent of forcing someone to give up a kidney or heart because someone else, "more important", needs it to live."
Hannah Goff "...less Rights... than a corpse." In many states, that is true. Corpses do have more respect and Rights than living women, eapeceally if they are pregnant. The woman, not the corpse. Posted 05/16/2019 ![]() Posted 05/12/2019 They don't care about your life, the Health Insurance Companies want your money. If you get sick, die and die quickly. Just pay your premium first. As with much corruption, money is the most important thing you have that they want. They don't care whose money it is. Too much is still not enough. Excessive greed sometimes does not cover it. Our health care and drug industries are cases in point. Posted 04/21/2019 ![]() Posted 03/24/2019 Our government has been so corrupt, from top to bottom, for so long, most people can't even envision a honest, functioning government anymore. They just shrug at each new mercenary revelation and continue on as if things are normal and not much can be done anyway... At least as long as they think they or their side, benefits from the corruption. Too many people treat elections as some kind game to place bets on, that politics doesn't really effect them. Examples of corruption:
And the list goes on for pages... Posted 03/22/2019 ![]() Posted 03/17/2019 Teachers need to be given the respect they deserve. After all, they are educating the next generation of doctors, nurses, engineers, Teachers, inventors, Architects, mathematicians' You get the idea. Teachers are the only White Collar profession where those so employed are treated as unskilled or semi-skilled labor.
Teachers do not need to be micromanaged to the extent that all the round and square peg kids can pass a star shaped test so that the administrators can puff out their chests in pride and demand more money for their schools. That is not the purpose of education.
The purpose of education is so the next generation is better educated than we were, so that when it's our kid's turn to take over from us, they can do better than we did. That cannot be done by teaching to some standardized test, so all the kids only know the same things. Posted 03/15/2019 Translating Corporate Dem Speak into English
Reaching across the aisle = voting with republicans. MORE
'Lead with our values' = We have no actual platform besides identity politics. Posted 03/05/2019 How many health insurance companies are there in this country? Each has a well paid CEO. Don't forget the bonuses and Golden Parachutes. How many corporate jets are there? Each has a well compensated Board of Directors. Each has a bureaucracy, from managers, to supervisors, to workers. The bean counters, that hold your life on a piece of paper, or on a computer screen. Don't forget all the attorneys to back up the faceless bean counters denial of services. Each health insurance company has their own work spaces, buildings to heat, cool and maintain. Don't forget the agreements, i.e., legal kickbacks, the health insurance companies have with the hospitals, especially the larger ones. All this costs money. Money that you pay with your health insurance premiums and co-pays. Money that does not go for anyone's health care. We are talking Billions of dollars a year to support these parasitic middlemen. Lobbyists. Thousands, many thousands of well paid lobbyists, to not only keep the status quo, but to ensure the money train keeps moving the money around to the right people! In other words BRIBES. How much do your congress critters receive?
If we can do away with buggy whips in horseless carriages and the guy that by law had to walk in front of said horseless carriage at night,
holding a lit kerosene lantern up high, then we can get rid of the profitable protection racket, called Health Insurance Companies. Posted 02/27/2019 The Center, the real political Center is mostly static. It doesn't move much. The Center that we reference to, is only the average between the so-called Left and Right of our political parties. That Center can be and has been, all over the place. Currently both political parties are corrupt and bought by the top few Percent, to do their bidding, not ours. You and I are being fed lies to placate us for as long as possible. Right now, in this country, both Left and Right are over center, from the real center,?? the static Center, to the Right and moving more to the Right. The Democrats are farther to the Right, currently than the Republican party were during the Eisenhower's administration. Dwight Eisenhower, a Republican, would be appalled at how far to the Right this country has moved in the last 40+ years. There is not much Left anymore. Make of puns as you will. Assuming we don't bomb each other into radioactive rubble first, history will repeat itself once again and the people will rise up in bloody rebellion and correct the inadequacies. Posted 02/18/2019 Medicare For All will take away Red States power to torture Medicaid recipients, and erase their power to decline Medicaid expansion. Medicare for All, administered on the federal level, will take away the power of Red States to have any control over the health care of their citizens. They will no longer be able to make it as difficult as possible for applicants for Medicaid to be accepted into a Medicaid program. With Medicaid out of the picture in Red States, Red states will no longer be able to senselessly, brutally force desperate, often sick, poverty stricken Americans, to work for Medicaid. Imagine how angry and frustrated those vicious, heartless Red State conservative legislators are going to be when they lose their control and authority over healthcare for poor and/or disabled folks. I can already hear them whining and sniveling about no longer being able to punish poor folks, or disabled folks, for being poor and/or disabled.
They will also lose the cash cow federal money they get from the federal government to administer their state Medicaid programs. They won't be able to siphon off any more federal money, or take bribes of private Medicaid insurer cash, to line their own pockets with, cash that was supposed to be used for paying for their respective state's Medicaid program. What? You mean nobody informed y'all that private Medicaid insurers make enormous profits through state's Medicaid expansion due to Obamacare? Shocked, aintcha? Not. The ability to control healthcare as a weapon to cause poor people to suffer, and even die, will be taken out of the hands of all those malicious, cruel Red State conservative legislators, and the private Medicaid insurers who pay them to screw medicaid recipients by keeping costs and service at a bare minimum. This would be a hoot if it wasn't so pathetic'.Arizona's Medicaid program is so mercenary, the program is known as AHCCCS. AHCCCS is an acronym for Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System. Not Healthcare Assistance For Low Income or Disabled Arizona Residents, but Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System. The perfect illustration of how Red State conservative legislators consider money to be more important than the health care needs of the citizens of their states. I rest my case. Medicare for All. An enormous win-win for the overwhelming majority of Americans. A devastating loss for a handful of wealthy, greedy scumbags, and the corrupt legislators they employ. Medicare for All. Bernie 2020. Click Here for source (Used with Permission) Posted 10/11/2018 We need to get away from deciding things on Left & Right, Democratic and Republican and start thinking about Right and Wrong. Forget the politics: Is 'whatever' good for "We the people..." in the long run, or not? ![]() Posted 09/26/2018 Where is the respect Republicans should have for women? The graphic is pretty much representative of the Republican party and conservatives in general. This lack of respect carries over to health care, workers wages, living conditions, child welfare... Money is the Republican's god. They have theirs. They want yours too. That is one reason why they want to shred the safety nets many under paid people, mostly women, depend on for survival for themselves and their children. This includes Social Security, many have paid, or will pay into for 50 or so years, before retirement.
In biblical times, women were literately owned like the live stock; Cattle, goats, sheep, chickens. When born, they were first owned by the father. Then, when they got old enough, they were sold off in prearranged marriages to the husband. Often with a dowry, a bribe actually, so the new husband would take the daughter off the father's hands. Women today are still not treated as full and equal human beings under the law. Women are not paid the same wages for equal work. Their health care choices are limited by male dominated political bodies, men with little or no medical knowledge. Two and three thousand year old biblical passages are still being used to keep women down and in their place. For many of our political leaders, women are at best, considered to be 4/5 human. I supposed that is better than the 3/5 of a person for slaves and even ex-slaves of our recent past. As shown in the graphic, many Republicans believe women are not fully capable of making their own proper decisions over their own health care. Respect? Don't look to Conservatives, Religion, Republicans, DINO's or some combination there of, for respect of 50% of the population. Sadly, this includes some women also.(Stockholm syndrome?) These people are sorely lacking something in their moral makeup. Give'em sex dolls so maybe they will leave the rest of us alone. Posted 05/07/2017 How can we afford Single Payer, Universal Health Care in this country? We could stop our insane foreign policy of spending millions per missile to kill a few innocent people in the name of "fighting" terrorism. Canada manages to have Single Payer that works and their taxes are approximately the same as ours. Of course they don't have the equivalent of the F-35 or 10 Nimitz Class aircraft carriers, such as the USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77), either. Or have the official definition of a terrorist as a citizen of any country whose government doesn't submit to our demands. We, the US, have a much larger population than Canada does, so the cost per person for Single Payer would be lower. We might even have money left over to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure and get our Internet up to date.
Golly Gee, health care for everyone, bridges that don't fall down and working Internet for everyone. What more
could a civilized county wish for? Besides Living Wage Jobs for everyone? Posted 03/13/2017 ![]() ![]() All you are doing when you make laws against protesters and protesting, are sharping the swords of the protesters for when they come after you. Make enough laws, or the laws oppressive enough against the people and the guillotine will make a comeback. Posted 03/12/2017 Written 01/23/2017 Do not depend on the (D) or the (R) or if you admire or loath the person to determine if something is true or not. Facts matter. Both political parties lie to us. "Popular" politicians lie to us. The Media has its own agenda and lies to us. Too often what is labeled "Fake News" is real and what is labeled "Real News" is not. There is not enough critical thinking anymore, by too many people. That (D) or (R) determines what they believe. Or the "junk" or lack same in the politician's paints. Gender is equally as bad as the (D) or (R), in deciding on who to vote for. As for the crowd size, Obama promised us 'Hope and Change'. After George W Bush, no wonder the crowds were so big. But Obama lied to us. It wasn't too long after he was sworn in the first time, that the 'Hope and Change' he promised, turned into we had 'Hoped for Change', but it was slow in coming. It is still not there. The crowd size the second time for Obama, were quite a bit smaller than the first time. No one mentions that. Comparing crowd size here is misleading. Obama told us what we wanted to hear. He lied to us. Trump won because Hillary is so corrupt, that she was under two FBI criminal investigations during the campaigner. Trump was the lesser of the two evils in many minds this time around. No way did we want Hillary and her nuclear option with Russia to be on the table and quict possibly in play, if she won. How many people voted for Trump as a protest vote against Hillary because of the DNC election fraud that gave us Hillary, instead of the rightful primary winner, Bernie Sanders? If you voted for Hillary and overlooked her Pay to Play, Clinton Foundation corruption and/or the DNC primary election fraud, you helped to give us Trump and his swamp stocking. That is a fact! Posted 03/12/2017 ![]() Posted 05/15/2015 ![]() Wrong Priorities Posted 05/03/2015 ![]() Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are not the same. Bernie is much closer to the 1950 - 1960's Democrats. Hillary was a Republican then. Actually, she still is. The Democratic Party has moved far enough to the Right since then, for her to become a Democrat.(AKA, the 3rd Way, the New Democrats) Bernie is Liberal on both social and economic issues. Hillary is a Corporatist, as Obama is, only she is even a bit farther to the Right economically than he is. While Hillary is politically in the Center on social issues, on economic issues, she is over Center, to the Right, a corporatist, a moderate Republican, holding mostly the same views as some of the more sane Republicans do. She is also a Hawk. Bernie is not. So, do you want to vote on the issues? Vote for your self interests? Issues that concern the majority of the people in this country? Or are you going to vote for a Republican Lite for President, because she is a woman, and you favor continuing our current economic problems, as we continue to outsource our better paying jobs through secret trade agreements? It is really that simple. Do you want someone that more closely reflects your views on the issues, or do you want someone beholden to the 1% and big money on Wall Street (Check their donor list)? Do you want someone with a long record of working for the People, or do you want someone that got rich by being bought and paid for by the corporations? Posted 03/31/2015 ![]() Posted 03/29/2015 Supporting a candidate who embodies Republican ideals IS voting for a Republican...no matter what letter is after their name. Posted 03/03/2015 Heads I win, tails you lose. The deck is stacked. The playing field is tilted. We are being sold a bill of goods. Even though it is obvious to most, we still squabble among ourselves about who to choose to be the next front man, to continue the illusion that we still have a say. Posted 12/23/2014 It seems to be that more and more cops are acting like they are members of a street gang. People are getting fed up and starting to push back. First step is to work to DE-militarize the police. Retrain them to be peace keepers again. You know, to "Serve and Protect". When was the last time you saw that motto on a police car? Also this country absolutely needs to stop the "War on _____". Not one of them has ever been, or even can be won. Not poverty, not drugs, and definitely not anything in the Middle East. All these wars are nothing but profit centers for the few.
Put the needs of the people first. We are not the enemy. We are all people first. Treat others with the same respect you would like to be treated with. Watch a lot of our problem just go away, disappear. Posted 10/30/2014 The root problem are guns. It doesn't matter who has them, the root problem still boils down to guns. How many people need an arsenal? In fact, how many people actually need a gun in the first place? How many times will it take, when a good guy with a gun, or guns, suddenly becomes a bad guy with a gun, or guns, without much, if any warning or prior suspicion of anything being wrong until people start dropping dead from being shot. How many schools, movie theaters, gas stations/convenience stores, any public or private places where people are being killed before we wake up and realize the root problem are too many guns in the hands of too many people? The common denominator is guns, weapons, firearms, no matter how you slice and dice it. I'll say it again, the problem are the guns themselves. The easy availability of guns of all kinds, by everyone, from two year old toddlers, to depressed/bullied teenagers, to the mentally unbalanced, to criminals of all descriptions, to say nothing about those "good guys", that think they are safer with a gun tucked in their waist band. And don't forget those well trained, good guy experts that have their guns go off when they are cleaning them? We read about those guys on a fairly regular basis, now don't we? Easily availability of guns, without limit by almost anyone, for any purpose, is the real problem. If you can't buy one for yourself, have a friend do it for you. Or just borrow one for the occasion. (The owner might get it back after the latest massacre) Buy one on a street corner, Or steal one. Guns are all over the place, available to anyone who wants one. That is the problem. People have been killing each other since the beginning. It has never been so easy as now. Without a gun, you have to get up close and personal. With a gun, you can kill 10 year olds in their home, or 6 year olds coming out of a convenience store, both just by driving by in the relative safety of the street. Relative safety of the street? HA! Not hardly, when the shooter is driving around, targeting other drivers just for the fun of it. Using a gun is easy, just point your manhood enhancer at someone or something and squeeze a small lever. Bang! You're dead. From the street, from a block away, from several blocks away. Think you are safe in your home? Ask the parents of those dead kids who thought they were safe at home. With the easy availability of guns by any and everyone, you are not. The good guy with a gun, is a target for the bad guys that wants a gun. Your fantasies aren't going to save you. Posted 8/14/2014 ![]() Why? For two main reasons. One, the excess military war equipment our police departments are getting from the Pentagon. Billions of dollars a year. They can't just let all that expensive equipment set about and rust, now can they? How is that being Macho? And Two, pay attention here, boys and girls, this is important. The police departments are hiring ex-solders, often with various levels of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Put these men back into their old military style uniforms, with military style armament and put them in front of an unruly civilian crowd, or even a peaceful demonstration, and guess how fast the flash backs start to happen? To me, it looks as if our own government is gearing up to go to war with us, the US Citizens. What do civilian police departments have for excess military equipment in the first place? Properly fund our local police department and use equipment designed for civilian police, with training more in keeping with a generally peaceful civilian population. Military equipment and training are for use in the wars we start and supply, not against our own people, here in our own country. One last question: Is that man in the middle, in the above cartoon, a US solder in a overseas conflict? Or is that man in the middle, a police officer during a demonstration, right here in this country? The police should NOT be dressed or equipped like soldiers in a war zone. If things get that bad, call in the Nation Guard. The police need to go back "To Protect and to Serve", not the all to often, as is currently the case, "To Intimidate and to Harm". Posted 7/17/2014 Pulitzer-winning journalist admits he's illegal immigrant OK, I read the link. Jose Antonio Vargas was a kid, a child of 12. He did not know at the time he was here illegally, until some years later. How is it his fault he is here? Almost all he knows is in this country. On the plus side, he is not a criminal, he was self-supporting, law abiding and good at what he does. He sought higher education and got it. He has done more than a lot of people that were born here do. As for the laws, few laws are sacrosanct. In fact many are quite arbitrary, being passed for some personal or political agenda or other. If I were a immigration judge with this case, I would let him stay and because of the amount of time he was here and his contributions. I would allow him to jump the line to the front for citizenship. We need more people like him here. My opinion, If they can keep themselves out of trouble, find gainful employment, without being a burden on society, they should be granted legal residency. Being ticketed for J-walking is not reason enough to deport someone, as has happened to some otherwise successful 'illegals'. Our whole immigration policy is messed up. (What else in new in this country?) To go by what some people are advocating now for immigration policy, the American Indians would have every right to kick everyone else out, that have arrived since Plymouth Rock. The same goes for the Mexicans living on the land the US government decided belonged to the United States, which includes most of the western US. If we had sane immigration laws, If we did not meddle in the affairs of other countries, if we did not treat the Aboriginals of these other countries as we did the Aboriginals that were in this country, when our ancestors arrived, there would not be such a major immigration problem. Again laws are not sacrosanct. It the law just? Is it being applied in the spirit it was written? If there is something wrong with a law, work to change them. Voter ID laws comes to mind. There is no problem with voter fraud, but such laws are being passed for the purpose of keeping a segment of voters from voting, because they have a tendency to vote the wrong way, at least from the prospective of the people passing these laws. So it is with immigration laws. Another are the abortion laws in this country. Basically they are saying women are not smart enough to figure things out for themselves and need the help of politicians and religious busybodies to help them decide? Really? Are those laws sacrosanct too? I don't know about you, but I'm thinking not. Common sense is downplayed played in our immigration laws, while 'What's in it for me" is behind much of our laws in general. Big agricultural business, politicians letting their votes be bought, MONEY, being prejudice against who ever or all other groups. The mindset being, "I got mine, da hell widt chue". Sabrina, you have a quite a bit of empathy for those less fortunate. That is good. Take that empathy, along with the idea that no law is actually sacrosanct, and apply those to your own 'immigration policy'. How is the fit? Good? Poorly? Eh, what? What is more important? People trying to make a better life for themselves, or laws designed to benefit the already Haves, over the Down Trodden? Oh, and don't forget the involvement of our own government and the CIA in their home countries, contributing to the terrible conditions of those people living there, causing them to want to travel for many thousands of dangerous miles to come here in the first place, for a better chance to live their lives.
Posted 7/17/2014 ![]() We spend too much on our military and not enough on domestic spending that helps "We the people..." Our economic plight could be improved if we spent that money raising our quality of life here instead of exporting our war toys, strife and turmoil around the world. The world would be a much safer place to be if we didn't sell as much of our weaponry around the world as we do. Posted 4/29/2014 We have no real Democratic Party in this country anymore. What we do have is the Left wing of the mostly kinda saner part of the Republican Party, i.e., the DLC, the 3rd Way. The Democratic leadership represent the Right of Center Democrats, i.e., Business, Banks and Wall Street. That (D) does not mean Progressive or Liberal by any means. All that (D) means is the wearer is a member of the Democratic Party, no matter how far to the Right they are. The Democratic Party has moved so far to the Right, many Republicans are joining the Democratic Party, because it has moved to the Right far enough to to be in agreement with the moderate Republicans of old. Anyone to the Left of Center has no real representation, as shown by the graphic in the upper left hand of this page. We still have a few representatives on the national level, but they are shunted aside and made mostly ineffectual. Things are not quite as bad on the State level. The Donkey on the background wallpaper, represents the Demolicons (or Rebuplicrats). The product of the merging of the two major political parties in this country. We now have the Republicans and the Demolicons (or Rebuplicrats). The Democratic Party died when the big money, business friendly, Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) took it over. Posted 4/30/2014 Are more toll roads in America's future? ![]() Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx says inaction on what the administration calls the GROW AMERICA Act could have wide-ranging impact. "As soon as August, the Highway Trust Fund could run dry," Foxx wrote Tuesday on the Department of Transportation's blog. "States are already canceling or delaying projects. That means crucial road improvements won't get done. It means transportation construction companies won't get contracts. And it means workers won't have job sites."
Nearly everyone agrees that America's infrastructure, especially its aging highway system, needs work. But one particular part of the bill has raised some eyebrows. Judy Morgan is my State Representative
Judy Morgan's Posted 4-28-2014 VOTER IDENTIFICATION
1. Voters should be required to present a photo identification in order to cast their votes. GUN REGULATION
2. The legislature should again pass a law nullifying all federal gun laws in our state and making it illegal to enforce any of these federal laws.
3. Missouri should require universal background checks on every firearm sale - at licensed dealers, gun shows, and over the internet.
4. Our state should prohibit the sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. MARRIAGE EQUALITY
5. I support marriage equality and the legalization of same-sex marriage. CAMPAIGN ETHICS REFORM
6. The Missouri legislature should reinstate campaign contribution limits.
7. The General Assembly should continue to allow lobbyists to give unlimited gifts to legislators. LEGALIZATION OF MARIJUANA
8. Marijuana use should be legalized for medicinal purposes only.
9. Recreational marijuana should be legalized for all adults.
10. Possession of marijuana should continue to be a violation of the law, but the penalty for its use should be a fine (decriminalize it). ABORTION
11. Abortion should remain a safe and legal medical procedure for a woman to consider, if and when she needs it.
12. Abortion should be outlawed.
13. Abortion should be illegal except in cases of rape or threats to the life of the woman. DEATH PENALTY
14. The death penalty should be abolished in Missouri.
15. Missouri should institute the firing squad to execute those on death row. HEALTH CARE EXPANSION
16. Missouri should participate in the health care (Medicaid) expansion.
17. The Medicaid system is broken and should be fixed before our state pursues expansion. (Above italics are my comments.) This Is My Web Site Unless otherwise attributed or sourced, all the verbiage on this web site is mine. My words, my thoughts. Comments? Objections? Questions? Contact: rjsn@timws.com
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